Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hello Blog World!

It’s not pretty, but it’s a start. I have toyed around with the idea of starting a blog for over a year now. In March 2010 I had recently made the very difficult to decision to close a retail store I had owned and realized there was a complete lack of information available for anyone trying to make that decision (aside from  declaring bankruptcy).  I decided I would create a blog as a way for me to work through my situation but also to connect with others in a similar spot. This did not happen; the process of shutting down was painful, all consuming and happened much more quickly than I had originally planned so writing about it just didn’t fit in. 

Now, a year and change later, I am engaged and planning a wedding for June 2012, my fiancé and I are moving from the San Francisco Bay Area to a new home in the suburbs north of Los Angeles for his job, and I turn 30 in just over a month. Sooooo, I am embracing change in very big ways and am hoping this blog will help me document all that I will do over the next year or so and allow me to connect with some of the many amazing people out there in this wide world of blogging.

If you check back in with me you will likely find posts about weddings, home décor, fashion, cooking, exercise, books, travel, and entertaining to name just a few of the topics I love. If you write about any of the above on your own blog I’d love to hear about you so please leave me a comment!

Fashionably Yours,
Lesley B